

We are the fierce champions of your brand who apply obsessive research and a new generation of creative genius to your ecommerce or lifestyle business.




Coffees spilled
on frocks



Give old news marketing the bird

Dropping the ball on your marketing isn’t an option
…Yet, somewhere between robot agencies and freelancers, you’re wondering: who can you trust? As your customers evolve, you want need experts in your corner. Hello, that’s us.  

WHAT we do

Trailblaze your business’s marketing with a dedicated team that’s here for a good time, and a long time.

Social Media
PR & Collabs
Conversion Tools

HOW it works

Our simple-yet-powerful (and proven) road to grow your revenue.

WHO we are for

We’re for all ecommerce and lifestyle brands who refuse to settle for ordinary.

WHY Olive Louise Social

There are 3 things we know to be true:

    1. Same-same marketing creates meh-meh results and many have not changed their tactics since billboards were cool.
    2. Your marketing is only as good as your marketers. So is your Christmas party.
    3. Most marketers are dodgy as flop. (Yep, we went there)

So, we hire based on attitude, then train intensely in our ballsy methods to create an incredible specialised team. So you get the best in the biz, who happen to be damn good humans, with one line of contact wherever you are in Australia. 

We figure out exactly what we need to say about your business by learning your people, your market and your goals. Then say it. Loudly.

Here's some logos so you trust us...

What our people say

You’re already
kicking goals

Do you really need us?

Good question. And love that sass. You need us if you: crave different. Are hungry for growth. And get gOoSeBuMpS at the thought of applying a new generation of creative genius to your brand. With a dedicated, talented team by your side.


Get ballsy

Reach out to our clever and creative CEO. Who is also hilarious. Clearly.


Some pretty examples of our work

Want to see some case studies?

Let's do this

If dangerously bold marketing sounds like your cup of tequila, let’s make this thing official. Send your message, and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours